



这些常见问题解答只是提供一般资料,并不打算就携带手枪提供任何具体的法律意见. 个人应参考州和联邦法规,以确保他们遵守法律.


澳门体育赌博十大平台(SWTJC)如何为校园隐蔽携带做准备? add
In the 84th Texas legislative session, 参议院第11号法案(SB 11)生效,从8月1日开始,持有执照的人可以在公立专科大学校园内隐藏携带手枪, 2017. 持证人员不允许在学院的某些区域隐藏携带枪支. SB11为学院在实施新法律时提供了一个程序. In accordance with SB 11, SWTJC主席Hector Gonzales创建了校园隐蔽携带委员会,以制定有关实施和遵守新法律的建议. The committee, which was comprised of faculty, staff, and student representatives, 审查新法规,并通过调查从大学社区征求意见, focus groups, and individual interviews. 该委员会于2017年1月31日向冈萨雷斯总统提交了他们的建议. On March 23, 2017, 董事会批准了委员会的建议,并将学院的图书馆和自助餐厅/小吃店添加到委员会的禁区名单中, where concealed carry will not be permitted. 要查看所有禁区,请阅读SWTJC校园携带政策.
在德克萨斯州获得携带手枪的许可证有什么要求? add


  • At least 21 years of age;
  • 在提交申请之前的六个月内是该州的合法居民;
  • Not been convicted of a felony;
  • Not currently charged with commission of a Class A or B misdemeanor, Disorderly Conduct or equivalent offense, or a felony by indictment or information;
  • 在递交申请前5年内,未曾被裁定犯有a类或B类轻罪, or Disorderly Conduct or equivalent offense;
  • Not a fugitive from justice;
  • Not a chemically dependent person;
  • 能对手枪的使用和保管作出正确的判断;
  • 目前未受法院签发的影响配偶关系的保护令或限制令;
  • Qualified under federal and state laws to buy a handgun;
  • Not delinquent on child support payments or other monies collected by state agencies; and
  • 必须通过笔试和射击能力测试成功完成批准的课程.

您还必须填写并向德克萨斯州公共安全部提交准确的申请,以及所需的费用和补充表格和材料. Full eligibility requirements can be found in section 411.172 of the Texas Government Code. Additionally, 联邦法律可以取消某些个人获得持枪执照的资格,如18 USC 44第922条所述. 

How many concealed handgun licenses have been issued in Texas? add

As of December 31, 2015, there were 937,根据德州公共安全部的数据有419人持有隐蔽手枪执照. At the end of 2015, the Texas population totaled 27,469,114, so concealed handgun license holders represented 3.41% of the Texas population. In 2015, license revocations totaled .11% of concealed handgun license holders. During the calendar year 2015, 108 concealed handgun license holders were convicted of crimes in Texas.

Handgun license reports and statistics can be found on the Texas Department of Public Safety website.

What prohibitions will be changed by the new law? add

Prior to August 1, 2017, 法律只允许持有隐蔽手枪许可证的人在SWTJC校园的户外区域携带隐蔽手枪, such as parking lots and garages, sidewalks, walkways, or streets, unless there was a SWTJC sponsored event.

Effective August 1, 2017, 持有手枪许可证的学生可以在学校校园内携带手枪,但须遵守学校校园携带政策的限制. 根据政策,每个校园的某些区域都被指定为禁区,在这些区域内不允许隐藏携带. Please review the Policy to identify designated exclusionary zones. Additionally, 学院院长可以在某些场合暂时禁止隐蔽携带手枪

When will the new campus carry law become effective? add
事实上,该法律于2016年9月1日对四年制大学生效. However, 新法律直到8月1日才会在SWTJC这样的两年制大学校园生效, 2017.
没有持有手枪执照的人可以携带隐藏手枪吗? add
No. 法律要求个人必须持有持枪证才能随身携带手枪.
Can a licensee from another state carry a concealed handgun in Texas? add
是的,前提是颁发许可证的州与德克萨斯州有互惠关系. Currently, 42 states have reciprocity agreements with Texas. 
教师是否可以禁止在办公室、教室或实验室隐藏携带武器? add
No. Senate Bill 273 (SB 273) enacted by the 84th 德克萨斯州立法机构禁止SWTJC工作人员或教官对持有持枪证的人施加比法律要求更大的限制.
What is meant by Open Carry and when did it become effective? add
新颁布的众议院法案910 (HB 910)于2016年1月1日生效.  Except where specifically prohibited by law, HB 910取消了手枪许可证持有人隐藏携带手枪的义务. 
开放携带法是否允许持证者在SWTJC校园公开携带枪支? add
No, HB 910禁止持枪者在任何大学建筑内公开携带手枪, driveways, sidewalks, or other parts of the premises.
What should I do if I see someone with a handgun on campus? add
拨打911并向调度员解释你在SWTJC校园内,然后他们会通知校园警察, who will make contact with the individual.
Is a handgun license holder required to show their license to anyone? add
Yes, Texas Government Code § 411.第205条要求执照持有人应要求向德州治安官或地方法官提供驾驶执照和手枪执照. 他们不需要向非治安官或裁判官的SWTJC雇员出示该证件.